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Showing results 90 to 100 of 174

Disruption, Globalisation and Thinking like a Futurist

In a globalised world of increasingly rapid change and diversifying forms of working and being together, this Australian Technology Network…

Explore the world this winter with global university programs

Are you looking to step into another culture and take your studies, skills, and rĂ©sumĂ© to the next level? Explore…

Love making TikTok’s?

The Uni Marketing team is looking for students who can create awesome and exciting TikTok videos that capture the essence…

Get support balancing your studies with elite sport

Curtin University is committed to creating a support program that allows our elite athletes to achieve their ultimate potential both…

Volunteer for Curtin Open Day 2023!

Want to get involved with Curtin’s largest student recruitment event in 2023? Open Day is taking place at Curtin Perth…

Want to receive a gift voucher between $30-$120 for being in a photoshoot?

Curtin’s Uni Marketing team are on the lookout for students available to participate in a photoshoot during Curtin Open day…

Complete an internship in South Korea

Complete an internship at a Korean enterprise or business in Seoul and receive credit towards your degree! Spend four weeks…

Become a Planet Positive student champion

Are you a student who is passionate about the environment and a strong believer in the power of education to…

Experience Norway with a study tour

The Faculty of Business and Law invite you to spend two weeks in the Norwegian hub cities Oslo and Bergen…

Join the Japan Design Study Tour

Interested in visiting Japan? Expressions of interest are now open for a 10-day study tour of Japan in June 2023.…

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