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Showing results 70 to 80 of 174

Win one of ten exclusive Curtin Life T-Shirt’s to celebrate 10K Followers on Instagram!

Want a chance to win one of ten exclusively designed Curtin Life T-Shirts? To celebrate the @curtinlifeaustralia Instagram reaching 10K…

Make an impact with Students as Partners

Students as Partners is a commitment between students and the university to work as partners in learning, research and University…

Have your say on effective learning design and development of better equity support systems at Curtin!

Are you interested in contributing to improved learning design systems at Curtin University? This is your chance to build recommendations…

Four reasons to follow @curtinlifeaustralia on Instagram

Welcome to Curtin and your uni journey! (And welcome back if you’re a returning student). If you’re attending orientation or…

Help us name the new Unit and Teaching Survey and win!

Curtin’s Unit and Teaching Surveys (also known as eVALUate) is getting a makeover! There will be a brand-new look, fresh…

PSA: We’re searching for the new hosts of our Instagram video series ‘Food For Thought @ Curtin’!

Are you an aspiring food reviewer ready to take the Curtin food scene by storm? We’re searching for the new…

Get paid to take part in a research exercise for the Curtin University website!

We’re looking for student feedback on a new digital tool designed to connect students with helpful support resources in times…

Jump Start Nursing

The newly launched Jump Start Nursing scholarship will assist first-year nursing students with expenses associated with clinical placements.  In the…

Researchers need your help testing Amazon Alexa

Curtin researchers would like your help testing an Amazon Alexa conversational agent designed to assist people in making sustainable dietary…

Q&A with Aberdeen-Curtin Alliance graduate, Dr. Aaron Tung

Have you ever wanted to study overseas while completing a PhD? The Aberdeen-Curtin Alliance is a prestigious program available to…

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