Student Life
Your intro to a healthy work/life/study balance
As a student, balancing work, life, and study can be a challenge, but it is essential for your wellbeing and…
Excel as a Curtin Carnaby in a sport of your choice this semester
Do you want to represent Curtin while playing a sport that you love, or are you an elite athlete looking…
Connect with an industry mentor
Do you know what you want from your future career, but have questions on how to get there? Connecting with…
Your Cheat Sheet to Curtin Spaces and Campus Facilities
Heading into week 5 and still don’t feel like you are making the most of the campus? Whether you’re seeking…
LGBTQIA+ terms you need to know in 2024
Whether you’re a seasoned ally or wanting to learn more about the LGBTQIA+ community, it’s important to familiar yourself with…
Our best Careers Fair yet
We hope you made to the Curtin Careers Fair last Friday. With a new website, over 130 exhibitors and a…
How to respectfully respond to no
The importance of respecting boundaries cannot be overstated. We’re all likely to encounter situations where the delicate balance of consent…
See something concerning happening on campus? This is how you can safely intervene.
To foster a safe and respectful environment, we all have a role to play in addressing negative or inappropriate behaviours…
5 reasons to try out the Makerspace
There’s far more to student life than free sausage sizzles and attending lectures. Have you heard of the Curtin Library…
Keep safe on campus with the FREE SafeZone app
We want you to feel safe at the Perth Campus, anywhere and anytime, that’s why we recommend you download the…