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Student Life

Showing results 330 to 340 of 449

Join a club, join the world!

How does a rural student end up organising a Hackathon event overseas that saw 61 participants from three countries; a…

Applications closing to earn a postgraduate qualification on top of your degree!

The Elite Academic Program puts you on the fast track by allowing you to obtain a Graduate Certificate in Digital…

Catch up on these podcast episodes this mid-semester break

How will you be spending your tuition-free week? Aside from a much-needed break from classes to get on top of…

Important information for e-scooter riders

The Safer Community Team have seen an increase of e-scooter use on campus and in the local area recently, including…

Test the new plan your timetable tool and earn up to $140 in gift cards

Do you struggle with timetable planning activities before you register for classes? Curtin’s Digital and Technology Solutions (DTS) are working…

Is this your first semester? Try the new OASIS Planner!

You may have noticed a new tab in OASIS. If this is your first semester at Curtin  you now have…

Are you a new student experiencing issues with accessing Microsoft products?

New students this semester will not automatically have access to tools such as Office 365, including Word and Excel. If…

Save $100 for a 12-month gym membership during O-Week!

If you have been wanting to join the Curtin Stadium gym, don’t miss out on the special O-Week offer. Join…

Student monthly parking sessions available in Semester Two

If you’re a student that comes to campus everyday, you will have the option to start a monthly parking session…

Are you a 2022 graduate?

Celebrate your graduation success with the ultimate item of university apparel – the varsity jacket. If you are about to,…

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