Student Life
A student’s guide to getting involved in industry at Curtin Kalgoorlie
If you’re studying at Curtin Kalgoorlie, you have the unique chance to jumpstart your career while you’re still studying. With…
Why joining a student club is good for your mental health
Have you joined a Student Guild club this semester? Whether you’re still umm-ing and ah-ing about what club to join,…
Take a look at the Science After Dark event supported by CV! and Curtin Kalgoorlie
To celebrate National Science Week last week 10 – 18 of August, Curtin Volunteers! and Curtin Kalgoorlie supported a Science…
The best ways to find work-study jobs on campus
Balancing work and study is a reality for most of us and finding the right job can make all the…
Get an intro to Perth weather with our international students!
You might have heard Australia is home to wild weather events: long, hot summers and cold, wet winters. But did…
Learn how to say no (and not feel guilty about it)
Let’s talk about something super important: learning how to say ‘no’ without feeling like the worst person ever. We’ve all…
From field work to Masters Study: Ranjith’s change of Pace
Ranjith is currently in his second semester of his Master’s program in Professional Mining Engineering at Curtin Kalgoorlie. Originally from…
Four reasons to volunteer while you’re at university
Want to get involved in university life, but unsure where to start? Volunteering is the perfect way to ease into…
How to connect with the Curtin Kalgoorlie community
Kalgoorlie-Boulder may be an isolated town in the middle of WA, but that doesn’t mean you need to feel isolated…
Learn First Aid on campus
Learn how to save a life at a discounted student price and add an important skill to your resume. Book…