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Study skills

Showing results 40 to 50 of 66

Your guide to Curtin Library spaces in 2022

New Curtin Library spaces are now open and ready for semester 1! Spread across three new campus locations, Curtin Library…

Anxious about statistics or know someone with statistical anxiety? Join the COPE study!

Statistics anxiety is common among learners in the tertiary setting. We intend to understand the main factors contributing to statistics…

Check out the new Curtin Handbook

Curtin’s new and improved online Handbook is now live. The new Handbook website uses the same design elements as the…

How to motivate yourself to study

When you’re not in the mood to study, doing LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE becomes far more appealing. Whether that’s watching another…

Get ready for online exams using Curtin’s Intelligent Remote Invigilation System (IRIS)

If you’re required to sit an online exam during Curtin’s examination period, you’ll be using IRIS@Curtin – Curtin’s Intelligent Remote…

Top 10 Study Tips from the Library

Students at the Curtin Library have compiled their top 10 study tips to help you get through this upcoming exam…

Five must-do online study skills programs from the Library

The Robertson Library offers a variety of online programs to help students improve your academic study, writing, numeracy and ITC…

UniPASS Myths

UniPASS sessions are a great way to help with revising not only in preparation for upcoming tests and exams but…

How to stop procrastinating (today!)

Procrastination happens to us all at some point – with deadlines looming, it’s easy to put off doing your work.…

How to edit and proofread your essays

Editing and proofreading your essays can be a chore, especially when you’re already time-poor. Read through these useful tips to…

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