Health Service moving to telehealth appointments
Please note that effective immediately, Curtin Health Service will no longer be booking face to face appointments except for Health…
Want to learn more about mental health?
The Curtin Counselling and Wellbeing Advice team have launched a new online self-help resource centre! If you have noticed yourself…
You could receive a free food parcel
Through the generosity of donors to the Curtin Cares About Students initiative, our corporate partner Dinner Twist and our staff…
Tick off some fun activities after exams!
Pleasure is a valid self-care component. Make sure to plan some fun activities to look forward to after exams. Exam…
Preserve your sensory and physical wellbeing with these easy steps
This week, we encourage you to focus on Sensory and Physical self-care elements. Sensory self-care activities are intended to drive…
Have you checked in on your Emotional and Spiritual wellbeing?
Be mindful of your Emotional and Spiritual wellbeing as the end of semester approaches. It can be difficult to manage…
How are you recharging your social battery?
As human beings, we need regular connection with others to thrive. Social self-care consists of activities that nurtures and deepens…
Roll up for WA
We’ve all worked together to keep Western Australia one of the safest places in the world. To protect our lifestyle…
Clearing confusion around COVID-19
Bupa welcome you to hear from renowned producer and presenter Dr Norman Swan as he talks about all things COVID-19,…
Register now for the Rethinking Stress webinar
Need some practical tips to get you through exam time? Join the Rethinking Stress webinar to improve your mental and…