Safe driving on campus
Did you know that inattention is now one of the leading behavioural causes of death and serious injury on our…
The Future Of Podcast: OCD
“OCD” is often used as an adjective to describe someone who enjoys cleanliness and organisation, but is that appropriate? Dr…
India’s COVID outbreak: looking after your wellbeing in Australia
Being away from home and loved ones isn’t easy. Medibank is here to help our students from India cope during…
Have you heard of sextortion?
Sextortion is a form of blackmail where someone threatens to share intimate images of you online unless you give in…
Studying late? How to stay safe on campus at night
Did you know that the Safer Community Team has a security escort service that can help you travel around campus…
Rethinking stress webinar
Experiencing stress? Join the Rethinking Stress webinar to improve your mental and physical wellbeing. Date: May 5th 2021 Time: 9.30am…
How can schools improve our understanding of consent, sexuality and sex positivity?
Sexologist Dr Jacqueline Hendriks joins Amelia and Jessica from The Future Of podcast to discuss which topics feature in Australia’s…
Stress less during exams with the BE WELL app
It is often difficult to maintain balance in your life with exams and assignments fast approaching. How about a handy…