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Showing results 30 to 40 of 138

How to manage your exam anxiety

Many students approach exams with some anxiety. Some utilise this nervous energy to make Kanban boards, re-listen to lectures, memorise…

How to befriend your inner critic

SAM is the inner critic only you hear, and it’s the voice that says “stop being lazy’’ or “you are…

Try these five Curtin activities to boost your wellbeing

When was the last time you took a breather from balancing study, group projects and navigating your uni experience? It’s…

Have you visited the Comfort Corner?

The Comfort Corner is a weekly wellbeing session where you can drop in for a chat with a peer, feel…

Learn when and how to ask R U OK?

This R U OK? Day on Thursday 12 September, remember to check in on those around you. Now more than…

A student guide to meditation

As a university student, life can sometimes feel like a whirlwind. Amidst the chaos, meditation can serve as an anchor,…

How to get on top of your stress and anxiety

Stress is a normal part of life, and anxiety is a normal response to stress. To deal with this, we…

Three tips for better sleep

Need some help improving your sleep? Getting the right amount of sleep helps keep our brains and bodies functioning properly…

Why joining a student club is good for your mental health

Have you joined a Student Guild club this semester? Whether you’re still umm-ing and ah-ing about what club to join,…

Learn how to say no (and not feel guilty about it)

Let’s talk about something super important: learning how to say ‘no’ without feeling like the worst person ever. We’ve all…

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