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Bridging Creativity and Culture in Anthropology and Sociology

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A student stands in front of the artwork she created, that features a red coloured figure on a blue patterned background.

Meet Olivia, a first-year Bachelor of Arts student majoring in Anthropology and Sociology at Curtin University. Olivia’s journey into the realm of arts and humanities is fuelled by her creative spirit and deep connection to cultural heritage. 

Before pursuing her studies, Olivia worked in heritage surveys and consulting. This experience revealed to her the need for academic study to complement her lived experience. Olivia’s decision to study Anthropology and Sociology stemmed from a desire to integrate her creativity with a deep understanding of human cultures and societies. This choice has placed her on the right path to bridge the gap between lived experience and academic pursuit. Olivia aims to enhance her credibility and contribute to broader discussions about human societies and cultures. 

Olivia has always been passionate about creativity, having excelled in 8R art during high school. She enjoys painting, making clothes, and crocheting, finding satisfaction in activities that produce immediate results. Olivia’s artistic talents were recently recognised when she entered and won the Indigenous Artwork Competition through the Faculty of Humanities. Her piece, titled “Interconnectedness,” earned her a $1000 prize. Initially hesitant to participate, Olivia was inspired to complete her artwork when the competition deadline was extended. Her piece explores the theme of shared humanity, emphasising that we all share a common human experience despite our differences. Olivia aimed to create a piece of work that underscored the significance of blending diverse ideas and cultural knowledge to promote understanding and drive meaningful change. This artistic expression reflects her motivation for entering university. 

Balancing university life, work, and social commitments has been top of mind for Olivia this year, and has found that playing Netball on Wednesdays helps her maintain a healthy routine and work-life balance. Olivia’s advice to fellow students is to find a strong support system. She emphasises the importance of having people who understand and encourage you throughout the challenging journey of university life. Having a community to lean on has been crucial for Olivia, helping her navigate the ups and downs of her first semester. She believes that having a support network is essential for success and well-being, and she encourages others to seek out and build these connections. 

Looking ahead, Olivia aspires to use her degree to open pathways into significant conversations and create change within society. She dreams of combining her creative talents with her academic knowledge, potentially starting a business in the future. Her ultimate goal is to contribute to the study of humanities by integrating diverse cultural knowledge and lived experiences. Olivia is determined to use her education to make a meaningful impact, advocating for the importance of diverse perspectives in understanding human behaviour and society. 

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