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Do you have an online portfolio?

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Student facing their computer, creating an online portfolio

In today’s digital age, where first impressions are often made online, having a positive impact on potential employers, connections and clients is crucial. Now is a great time to curate your own online portfolio, no matter what you’re studying. Let’s explore what an online portfolio is, why you should have one, and how you can start yours.

What is an online portfolio?

An online portfolio, or ePortfolio, is your digital narrative, showcasing your professional story and personal brand. It’s about you creatively and professionally sharing who you are and what you offer in your field.

Why should you have one?

Having a well-crafted online portfolio can:

  • Differentiate you – In a competitive job market, an online portfolio helps you stand out from other candidates by effectively showcasing your skills, experience and expertise.
  • Enhance your personal brand – Aligning your online portfolio with your values and career path will help you build your professional identity. Keep in mind who your target audience is and what impression you want to make.
  • Expand your network – Increasing your online visibility to recruiters and industry professionals could potentially lead to networking opportunities and job offers.
  • Demonstrate your growth – Regularly updating your online portfolio shows commitment to learning and professional development. Tip – use your online portfolio as part of your interview preparation to clearly demonstrate how, when and where you’ve developed your skills – think STAR interview responses!
  • Build your credibility – Demonstrating your industry awareness and knowledge could help you secure professional work opportunities like work experience, internships and graduate roles.

How do you create one?

  • Choose a platform – Research the options available, including Google Sites, Pebble Pad, Wix, Weebly or WordPress, and pick the one that is right for you. They should offer customisable templates and privacy settings, allowing you to share content when you’re ready.
  • Craft a compelling professional bio – Give viewers a quick overview of who you are as a professional by introducing yourself in a concise and impactful way, including your educational background, key skills and career aspirations.
  • Curate your content – Ensure your portfolio is informative and engaging by organising it with clear sections and utilise a variety of media such as documents, texts, images and videos. Include samples of your work, academic achievements and relevant work experience.

Creating and updating an online portfolio is a valuable investment in your professional development. It gives you a centralised digital space to document your progress and achievements, encourages purposeful reflection, and builds a visible and trusted personal brand giving you credibility in your field.

Need help getting started? Book into our upcoming Personal Branding session, held online as part of the Career Ready series.

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