Are you from a culturally and linguistically diverse background and a caregiver for individuals diagnosed with mental illness?
In this project, conducted by Shiyon Plomens, Hollee Jones-Morris, Sarah Padshah and Dr Jun Chih from the Curtin School of Population Health, researchers want to find out about the areas of needs of caregivers, and the impact of these needs (both met and unmet) on your mental wellbeing, readiness to provide care and lifestyle choices.
If you meet the following criteria, we welcome you to participate in our study:
- 18 years of age or older;
- Provide care for patients diagnosed with mental illness, and;
- From a culturally and linguistically diverse background.
The survey will take up to 45 minutes to complete, and you will receive a $25 Coles and Myer Group voucher for your time. You may also volunteer to participate in a focus group discussion.
To find out more, contact the Honours student via email at
This study has received Curtin HREC approval (HRE2023-0524).