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Student OASIS news

Showing results 130 to 140 of 836

Troubleshooting guide: fix Microsoft login and sync issues

The DTS Directory Consolidation project has successfully migrated all student Microsoft accounts to the same directory where staff accounts are…

Guide to paying for parking using CellOPark

It’s your first time parking on campus, and you’re not sure what to do. Here’s our guide on how to…

It’s that time of year

Ever wonder why the Curtin Careers Fair happens so early in semester? It’s not random, it’s when graduate programs are open…

Library 101: What you need to know

Here’s our top four things that you should know about the Library at the beginning of semester: The Library catalogue…

Vidhi’s journey of seizing opportunities and embodying ambition

Introducing Vidhi, a Bachelor of Business Administration student who fearlessly embraces new opportunities. Currently specialising in marketing, public relations, and…

Making Milestones: Training the brain for a functional future

Caerwen wasn’t always sure where a human biology and maths degree would lead her. But a chance 2-month long internship…

Orientation doesn’t stop at O-Week

If you missed O-Week or didn’t get all your questions answered, you can still explore the campus and connect with…

Call for nominations: enrolled student to the Kalgoorlie Campus Council

APPOINTMENT OF AN ENROLLED STUDENT TO THE KALGOORLIE CAMPUS COUNCIL Curtin University Act 1966 (WA) Term of office commencing on…

Student Privacy Collection Notice

Curtin University collects and uses information about its students (Personal Information). This may include, but is not limited to your…

How’s your Aussie slang?

If you’re a new international student diving into the Aussie way of life for the first time this semester, you’ll…

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