Student OASIS news
Championing Climate Science Communications: One student’s mission to make a global difference
Meet Tiffany, an inspiring environmental policy master student who is committed to making a difference in the fight against climate…
Call for nominations: Undergraduate student member to the University Council
This is a call for nominations for the election of one undergraduate student member to the Council of Curtin University.…
Earn a full scholarship to undertake a Doctor of Philosophy
Are you interested in understanding how humans learn to make critical decisions in complex work systems? Do you want to…
Stepping into a career in leadership
Becoming a leader in your field of study is fundamentally becoming an agent of change. Drawing on the Social Change…
Enhance your wellbeing with free counselling and support services during your studies
One of the most important aspects of your university experience is your wellbeing. We understand that uni life can present…
Register for social sports!
Open to all students, staff and members of the community, social sport is Curtin Stadium’s most popular program and one…
Four reasons to follow @curtinlifeaustralia on Instagram
Welcome to Curtin and your uni journey! (And welcome back if you’re a returning student). If you’re attending orientation or…
New spaces opening in TL Robertson Library
We’ve been working hard to put the final touches on our refurbishment, and we’re so pleased to offer you new…
Help us name the new Unit and Teaching Survey and win!
Curtin’s Unit and Teaching Surveys (also known as eVALUate) is getting a makeover! There will be a brand-new look, fresh…
Important information for motorcycle riders
The Safer Community Team have seen an increase in the incidence of motorcycle theft in the local area and on…