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Student OASIS news

Showing results 750 to 760 of 836

The biggest differences between high school and university

The jump from high school to university is an exciting one but it can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not…

How to make friends on campus

No matter how far along you are in your studies, making friends at university can be tough – especially when…

Top 10 Study Tips from the Library

Students at the Curtin Library have compiled their top 10 study tips to help you get through this upcoming exam…

Five reasons why you should join Curtin Volunteers!

Do you need something to do with your time outside of your studies? Do you want to meet new people…

Get ready for online exams using Curtin’s Intelligent Remote Invigilation System (IRIS)

If you’re required to sit an online exam during Curtin’s examination period, you’ll be using IRIS@Curtin – Curtin’s Intelligent Remote…

India’s COVID outbreak: looking after your wellbeing in Australia

Being away from home and loved ones isn’t easy. Medibank is here to help our students from India cope during…

Are you ready for semester one results release?

Semester one results will be released via eStudent in OASIS on Wednesday 7 July. Ensure that you access your results…

Discover the new look OASIS news

You may have noticed some exciting changes to the latest news section when logging in to OASIS. The new look…

Five free things to do in Perth

Perth is an amazing place to study and live and there are so many activities you can enjoy that are…

Campus gardens you should visit before you graduate

Curtin is home to a range of beautiful gardens, each with its own unique atmosphere. Scroll down to discover some…

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