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The benefits of working part-time

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Apart from helping you to cover your expenses, especially if the boss gives you extra hours during semester break, there are a lot of benefits to working part-time while you study.

From hospitality to retail to admin, a part-time job can provide you with valuable experience. It’s a bonus if you can secure a role that’s directly related to your career aspirations, but any role can help develop your employability skills and add value to your resume.

Think of a part-time job as part of your professional development. Working while studying can help prepare you for managing a work/study routine – great practice for possible future internships or placements.

What’s more, a part-time job can create some space away from uni, allowing you to take your mind off your studies and focus on other areas of life. It’s also an opportunity to meet new people and develop relationships outside of university.

So, how do you approach finding part-time work?

You could begin by having a ‘master’ resume at the ready.

List all your previous employment experience, skills, education and interests. You can also list any unpaid work experience or volunteer work you’ve done, as this shows initiative and a willingness to put yourself out there.

Looking for feedback? Upload your resume to VMock – where it will be scanned, and you’ll receive an instant review with targeted suggestions to help improve your resume.

Once your master resume is looking the part:

  • Check UniHub for a range of opportunities with employers who have indicated they’re looking to hire students.
  • Browse the on-campus roles available through Curtin’s Earn While You Learn initiative. These positions come up throughout the year and may fit around your studies and other commitments.
  • Use Australian job search websites to find the right type of part-time job for you. Sites like Indeed, CareerOne, and Seek provide access to freelance, part-time and casual job opportunities.

You can then tailor your resume for the individual opportunities that interest you. Make sure each version has everything that qualifies you for the particular job and explains why you’re a good fit for the position.

Other approaches include:

  • Approaching local businesses directly. You might just find yourself at the right place at the right time. Have your resume in hand, be well-presented and polite, and ask if the manger is available to speak with. If they’re not, ask to leave your resume to be passed on to the relevant person.
  • Spread the word to others that you’re looking for a job. You never know if a friend or family member might know of something coming up, or if they may be able to put in a good word for you with an employer.

For more great advice on developing your job search strategy, visit Looking for Work.

This article was written by Career Development Consultant, Kelly Kendall-Jones.

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