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Search results for sstc bland

Campus and global community

Drones and artificial intelligence aid hunt for fallen meteorite in outback WA

Curtin researchers have recovered a freshly fallen meteorite after pinpointing…

Campus and global community

Shocked zircon find a ‘one-off gift’ from Mars

Curtin University researchers studying a Martian meteorite have found the…

Campus and global community

Study suggests Sun is likely an unaccounted source of the Earth’s water

Curtin University researchers have helped unravel the enduring mystery of…

Curtin announces 2021 Research and Engagement Award winners

Curtin University has announced the winners of the 2021 Research…

Space and physics

Binar-1 to ground control! WA’s first homegrown spacecraft makes contact

Western Australia’s homegrown spacecraft, Binar-1, has made first contact with…


Space hunt begins as WA’s Binar-1 mission takes next giant leap  

Western Australia’s homegrown spacecraft, Binar-1, has been shot into the…

Space and physics

WA boldly goes where no West Aussie spacecraft has gone before

We have lift off – with the launch of Western…

Space and physics

WA’s first homegrown spacecraft ready for take-off

The countdown has begun to the historic launch of Binar-1…


Lunar sample tells ancient story with help of Curtin’s world-class facilities

Curtin University researchers have helped uncover the four billion year…

Campus and global community

Curtin University-led Global Fireball Observatory makes rare find

Curtin University has played a major role in the recovery…

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