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Media releases

Showing results 370 to 380 of 3041
Campus and global community

Study unearths ancient reef structure high and dry on the Nullarbor Plain

Curtin researchers and international collaborators using advanced satellite imagery have discovered an ancient reef-like landform ‘hidden’ in plain view on…

Awards and achievements

Stars of Curtin classes honoured at annual alumni awards

An Indigenous social entrepreneur who creates stable employment opportunities for Indigenous youth has been awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at…


Inadequate post-release support drives up reincarceration rates: study

New research shows that people released from prison who sought help for their mental health or substance use problems were…

Campus and global community

Unassuming local hero named the 2021 John Curtin Medallist

A devoted philanthropist, volunteer and Rotarian who has changed the lives of children across the globe has been awarded the…


BASF continues mission to spark early interest in STEM amongst outback communities

Close to 200 Kalgoorlie primary school students will experience a day in the life of a scientist when BASF Kids’…

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander

Curtin honours four pioneers with Honorary Doctorates

A trailblazer of Indigenous health research, a pre-eminent Australian economist, an oil and gas executive committed to regional education and…


Curtin and Chevron join forces on innovative corrosion control project

An innovative new research project led by the Curtin Corrosion Centre and Chevron Australia aims to revolutionise the way corrosion…


Decades-long study finds endangered whales are having fewer babies

A world-class collaborative research project has found that the Australian population of southern right whales is calving less frequently and…

Mining & minerals

Curtin researchers make battery-free breakthrough

New Curtin University-led research has found a more effective way to improve the output of autonomous power sources, such as…

Campus and global community

Study of 300-million-year-old faeces finds meat on the menu

Curtin researchers have analysed organic molecules preserved within 306-million-year-old fossilised animal faeces (coprolite) and unlocked a wealth of information about…

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