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The Future Of

The Future Of

The Future Of, a podcast powered by Curtin University, where experts share their vision of the future and how their work is helping shape it for the better.

eDNA | A. Prof Paul Nevill and Joshua Kestel

The Future Of, Ep 133 | 28:12

Insects pollinate 75% of all agricultural crops, yet many face extinction. Discover how a ‘Star Trek’ level tech called eDNA can help monitor vital insect pollinators and support global food security.

Global Futures | Professor Joe Siracusa

The Future Of, Ep 131 | 32:8

We’re at a pivotal moment in time for humanity. Are we doomed to repeat past mistakes or can Global Futures help to better shape our tomorrow?

Toad Containment Zone | Professor Ben Phillips

The Future Of, Ep 130 | 27:6

The cane toads are coming. Can a simple, but clever plan stop them from fully invading Western Australia and causing catastrophic damage?

Stonehenge | Anthony Clarke & Prof Chris Kirkland

The Future Of, Ep 129 | 31:34

A new discovery brings us closer to understanding one of the world's greatest mysteries ... or does it? Find out on this episode of #TheFutureOf.

RapidGraphite | Dr Jason Fogg

The Future Of, Ep 128 | 22:0

To unlock a more sustainable future, graphite is key. The issue: there’s a $14 billion shortage of the crucial resource on the horizon.

Sustainable Architecture | Zaid Osama

The Future Of, Ep 127 | 34:58

The world's tallest timber building, digital twinning and biophilic design. Discover how sustainable architecture is revolutionising the places we live and work in.

Gut Health | Dr Hani Al Salami & Dr Armin Mooranian

The Future Of, Ep 126 | 30:6

Imagine we could harness the power of good gut bacteria from healthy people to fight off stubborn gut infections in others. That's exactly what we're exploring today with a game-changing, and rather icky approach to gut health: faecal transplant capsules.

Multiple Sclerosis | Dr Virginie Lam

The Future Of, Ep 125 | 20:39

Can MS be slowed down or even reversed? Find out on this week’s episode of #TheFutureOf

Equity In Education | Prof Ian Li

The Future Of, Ep 124 | 25:15

How do we overcome barriers to education in Australia? Find out on this episode of #TheFutureOf

Ecological Restoration | Prof Kingsley Dixon

The Future Of, Ep 123 | 39:16

How did a simple molecule found in smoke change the way we regenerate native plants? Find out in this episode of #TheFutureOf

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