The Future Of

The Future Of
The Future Of, a podcast powered by Curtin University, where experts share their vision of the future and how their work is helping shape it for the better.

Korean Wave | A. Prof Jo Elfving-Hwang
The Future Of, Ep 122 | 48:0
How did K-Pop transform South Korea into a global cultural powerhouse? Find out in this episode of #TheFutureOf.
Marine Biodiversity | Prof Fred Wells & Prof Monique Gagnon
The Future Of, Ep 121 | 25:28
Discover how ‘fish fingerprints’ are playing a key role in oil spills, and the impact of rising sea temperatures on marine life.
Creativity and Generative AI | A. Prof Rachel Robertson & A. Prof Susanna Castleden
The Future Of, Ep 120 | 43:44
With the rapid rise of generative AI, what does this mean for the human side of creativity, art and culture?
Energy Transition | Prof Petra Tschakert & Prof Peta Ashworth
The Future Of, Ep 119 | 52:7
While the scientific efforts to move to a greener world ramp up, what are the potential benefits of a more human-centred approach to the energy transition?
Mountain Biking | Paul Braybrook & Rod Annear
The Future Of, Ep 118 | 40:28
Riding a wave of renewed popularity, how is mountain biking shaping up as a sport and family adventure?
Echidnas | Dr Christine Cooper
The Future Of, Ep 117 | 26:36
As one of the world’s rarest mammals, the iconic echidna has developed surprising ways to adapt to a warming climate.
Cryo-Conservation | Prof Ricardo Mancera and Dr Bryn Funnekotter
The Future Of, Ep 116 | 37:14
Why are experts turning to cryo-preservation to combat plant extinction threats? Find out in this episode of The Future Of.
Brain Trauma and Sports | Dr Sarah Hellewell
The Future Of, Ep 115 | 25:14
Within our sporting codes, there's a hidden player on the field: brain trauma. How are subtle hits changing athletes' brains long-term?
Early Childhood Education and Technology | Emma Cross
The Future Of, Ep 114 | 36:53
As digital technology rapidly develops, how can children grow, connect and learn safely?
Voice To Parliament | Prof Cheryl Kickett - Tucker
The Future Of, Ep 113 | 36:14
Is this Australia's pivotal moment? Join us as we discuss the upcoming referendum on an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.