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Respectful Relationships 2019

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Respectful Relationships

At Curtin, we’re committed to providing a safe learning environment, and have zero tolerance for sexual assault and sexual harassment. With this in mind, we’ve developed Respectful Relationships – our online training program that addresses consent, relationships, support services and bystander interventions.

The Respectful Relationships program assists you to:

  • Understand why sexual consent is important
  • Define and identify the differences between sexual harassment and sexual assault
  • Recognise if you or others are being compromised
  • Identify what responsibilities you have as a bystander
  • Be aware of support services in place to assist with trauma and personal wellbeing.

This program will equip you with important life skills to support you and those around you in your life as a student, and beyond graduation as you start your career journey. We strongly encourage all our students to complete the program as soon as they can.

Log on to Curtin Challenge to complete the module.

You can also find additional resources and support on sexual harassment, sexual assault and consent on Respect. Now. Always., including information on how to respond to a disclosure of sexual harassment or sexual assault. Respect. Now. Always. is a sector-wide program developed by Universities Australia to prevent sexual violence in university communities and improve how universities respond to and support those who have been affected.

For further queries, please contact

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