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Showing posts tagged with "datascience".

Data science

Sea of pro-vax tweets drown out anti-vax memes, new study shows

Pro-vaccination tweets outnumbered anti-vax sentiment almost four to one, in new research that canvassed a whopping 75 million COVID-19 comments…

Business, innovation and law

Conference maps AI revolution set to overhaul every industry

Artificial intelligence-powered tutors for every child, state-of-the-art medical developments and the death of the call centre are among some of…

Data science

New agreement to build innovation bridge from India to WA

A new agreement is seeking to lay the foundations for a start-up bridge between India’s most industrialised state and Western…

Business and innovation

Why today’s accountants need to be more than data entrants

If you were asked to rank an accountant’s skills in order of importance, you might not place interpersonal skills high…