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Showing posts tagged with "SSTC".

Planetary science

Asteroid findings from specks of space dust could save the planet

Curtin University-led research into the durability and age of an ancient asteroid made of rocky rubble and dust, revealed significant…


Defence satellites, weather radars and drones lead to major meteorite find

Nine years after a six-tonne asteroid crashed through the Earth’s atmosphere over South Australia, researchers have used a combination of…


Curtin researchers locate largest known fresh meteorite strikes on Mars

Curtin University researchers have helped discover the largest fresh meteorite impact craters on Mars since NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter began…

Space exploration

Stargazers to catch a glimpse of NASA’s Lucy in the sky with diamonds

Curtin researchers have been tasked by NASA with observing the Lucy spacecraft – the first mission to explore the Trojan…

Earth science

Lunar glass shows Moon asteroid impacts mirrored on Earth

A Curtin-led research team has found asteroid impacts on the Moon millions of years ago coincided precisely with some of…

Climate change & conservation

Supervolcano study finds CO2 emissions key to avoiding climate disasters

The speed and volume of carbon dioxide emitted from supervolcanoes controlled the severity of past environmental crises on Earth, a…

Campus and global community

Drones and artificial intelligence aid hunt for fallen meteorite in outback WA

Curtin researchers have recovered a freshly fallen meteorite after pinpointing its exact location on the vast Nullarbor Plain in Western…

Campus and global community

Shocked zircon find a ‘one-off gift’ from Mars

Curtin University researchers studying a Martian meteorite have found the first evidence of high-intensity damage caused by asteroid impact, in…


Six Curtin researchers awarded prestigious Future Fellowships

Six leading Curtin University researchers have been awarded prestigious Future Fellowships by the Federal Government to carry out research of…


Lunar sample tells ancient story with help of Curtin’s world-class facilities

Curtin University researchers have helped uncover the four billion year old story of a lunar sample brought from the Moon…

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