Exploring your options

It’s worth investing some time in understanding who you are and what motivates you. Knowing yourself will help you identify opportunities that suit you and align to your career goals.

Take the Explore Your Options Challenge

Know who you are

Understanding your strengths, preferences, values and motivations will help you make informed decisions about your career. To find out more about knowing and demonstrating your strengths and skills, complete the Showcasing your Skills & Qualities Workbook.

Decide what you want

Consider what options are available to you, how each option aligns to your goals and what else may influence your decision. To find out more about evaluating your options, complete the Decision Making Workbook.

Investigate your options

Knowing where your degree can lead is vital to making informed career decisions. To discover career paths, industry information and useful resources relevant to your chosen field, search ‘career guides’ in our Resource Library.

female student holding textbook and smiling 2 students talking to each other while walking a male and female student standing outside and smiling

Further study

The decision to undertake further study, whether it is through coursework or by research, can be affected by a range of factors and needs to be an informed choice.

To find out more about further study:

Exploring further

If you would like to discuss where your degree can lead and the options available to you, book a Careers Conversation with one of the Curtin Careers team.

These appointments can be conducted in person or over the phone.