Relationship issues (family, friends, intimate and professional)

curtin self-help resource center image

At Curtin, we want you to feel safe and empowered, including helping you to develop healthy relationships.  We all come from diverse backgrounds with varying family and cultural practices, belief systems, and intergenerational issues.  When conflict occurs in relationships it can be confusing, difficult, and lead to changes in your life. 

Here you will find some useful information about relational issues, Curtin’s support services, and where to find additional support and resources for relationship issues. 

What are relational issues?

Throughout life, we have relationships with many different people. Our first is usually with our parents or caregivers. When we are young, like sponges, we absorb all kinds of information. This includes learning what a healthy and unhealthy relationship looks and feels like.  

A healthy relationship helps us develop:  

An unhealthy relationship may look and feel like: 

When we meet new people and build relationships, we can carry what we’ve learned from previous relationships. It is important to know that people, professionals and organizations are available to help you navigate or leave unhealthy relationships and build strong healthy relationships.  

Support at Curtin

Use the support network at Curtin University to learn how to effectively recognise and manage unhealthy relationships in a safe space. Curtin’s support services respect your confidentiality and autonomy to make your own decisions. 

Additional resources for relational issues