Relationship issues (family, friends, intimate and professional)
At Curtin, we want you to feel safe and empowered, including helping you to develop healthy relationships. We all come from diverse backgrounds with varying family and cultural practices, belief systems, and intergenerational issues. When conflict occurs in relationships it can be confusing, difficult, and lead to changes in your life.
Here you will find some useful information about relational issues, Curtin’s support services, and where to find additional support and resources for relationship issues.
What are relational issues?
Throughout life, we have relationships with many different people. Our first is usually with our parents or caregivers. When we are young, like sponges, we absorb all kinds of information. This includes learning what a healthy and unhealthy relationship looks and feels like.
A healthy relationship helps us develop:
Trust and loyalty.
Open communication.
Independence and personal identity.
A sense of safety.
An ability to get along well with others.
Clear boundaries.
Strategies for managing conflict.
An unhealthy relationship may look and feel like:
Your rights are being abused.
Domestic and family violence – physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, financial, or coercion.
Physical assault.
Gaslighting, manipulation, threats, or feeling harassed.
Discrimination, prejudice, and inequality.
Drug and alcohol related issues.
When we meet new people and build relationships, we can carry what we’ve learned from previous relationships. It is important to know that people, professionals and organizations are available to help you navigate or leave unhealthy relationships and build strong healthy relationships.
Support at Curtin
Use the support network at Curtin University to learn how to effectively recognise and manage unhealthy relationships in a safe space. Curtin’s support services respect your confidentiality and autonomy to make your own decisions.
Curtin’s safer community team offers a range of services to keep you safe on campus including 24/7 safety presence and availability, security escort services, and mechanical assistance. Learn more the safer community team’s services.
Curtin is committed to providing a safe and respectful working and learning environment for our community. Sexual assault and sexual harassment are unacceptable. If you need assistance, please remember you are not alone. Learn more about respectful relationships at Curtin.
If you are experiencing issues any relational issues and need additionalone-on-one support, book an appointment with one of ourcounsellors.
If you are in, or are about to be in, a crisis situation, our social workers can help. We provide immediate care and relief to extract you from stressful and dangerous circumstances.Book an appointment with our social worker.
If you have experienced any relational issues which cause you physical or mental harm, contact Curtin’s health services for support.
If you have a relationship issue and don’t know what to do or where to go a good start seeing one of ourstudent wellbeing advisors.Learn more about theirservice.
Explore the extensive range of clinical services the Curtin clinics has to offer. From speech pathology and exercise programs to physiotherapy and psychology, they offer a range of services for children and adults open to the public.
Visit the clinics webpage for more information about their services.
Information about how to recognise the signs of an abusive relationship and what you can do if you or someone you love is experiencing domestic violence.
A project that aims to prevent sexual violence in university communities and improve how universities respond to and support those who have been affected.
A step-by-step guide for women facing domestic violence. Using a four step road map of prepare, act now, rebuild, and thrive this resource offers women key information of how to create a safe and secure future for themselves.