Students standing with the Students as Partners Coordinator.


Students as Partners is a commitment between students and staff to work as partners in learning, research and university decision making.

At Curtin, it is vital students contribute towards the decisions that impact their student learning experience.

What is Students as Partners?

Students as Partners brings students and staff together to create opportunities to work in a more reciprocal, mutually respectful, and meaningful way through consultation, collaboration, co-design and co-delivery.

Students as Partners (SaP) shifts the traditional roles of students from passive recipients of knowledge to active participants and co-creators of their learning and university experience. Embedding the Students as Partners way of working at Curtin helps to promote a more inclusive and student-centred approach by fostering collaboration between students and staff for the benefit of all involved.

Students as Partners at Curtin covers a vast array of programs, initiatives and activities within and outside of the classroom. Partnerships can involve – students with students, students with staff (academic and professional) and students with senior university administrators.

Two students talking with a staff member.

Learn about current initiatives

Get involved with a variety of SaP Initiatives.

Three students sitting around a table.

Students as Partners Framework

Learn how SaP works at Curtin.

The VC and Guild President signing the Agreement.

Students as Partners Agreement

Learn about the SaP agreement with the Curtin Student Guild.

Training and resources

Our new Students as Partners education and training platform for staff and students will be rolled out in 2025. To be kept informed on this exciting new opportunity, send us an email.

In the meantime, you can engage with the Students as Partners online modules.

Join the SaP community

We are always seeking new students to get involved in SaP.

Join the mailing list to be kept informed of new opportunities.

You can also ask to join the SaP Community by emailing

Get in touch

For any queries regarding Students as Partners at Curtin, please email Libby Kinna, Coordinator Students as Partners.