Leave of absence appeal

When a student receives notification that their application for leave of absence (LOA) has been denied and they believe that the decision is unjustified they can formally appeal the decision.

Submit a formal appeal in writing

Any student aggrieved by a decision of a Head of School not to grant a LOA or to vary the period approved, may lodge an appeal to the relevant Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor.

A formal appeal must be submitted to your Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor, in writing, within 10 working days of notification of the decision not to grant LOA or to vary the period previously approved.

The Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor will examine the documentation of the original reasons for decision in consultation with the relevant Head of School and make a determination on the matter. The decision of the Pro Vice-Chancellor is final.

Support and assistance

For advice or assistance with your appeal letter you can contact:

Guild Student Assist

Counselling services

Curtin Connect