The Safer Community Team are trained to manage general safety and security issues, in addition to complex welfare and wellbeing issues.
Emergencies and assistance
In a life threatening situation call 0 000 from an internal phone or 000 from an external or mobile phone.
For other assistance call the Safer Community Team on 4444 from an internal phone or (08) 9266 4444 from an external or mobile phone.
You can also contact the Safer Community Team via email at
Personal safety
Curtin’s Safer Community Team provides a range of services to keep you safe on campus, including 24/7 safety presence and availability, security escort services and mechanical assistance.
To access these, call the Safer Community Team on 4444 (internal phones) or (08) 9266 4444, or you can find out more about these services.
There are emergency telephone stations throughout the campus along with well lit, safe pathways and secure card building access. There are also assistant points located at the main entry doors to each campus building.
Courtesy buses
Use one of our courtesy buses to safely and easily travel around campus in the evenings during semester.
You can also get to and from campus on CABS (Curtin Access Bus Service). The service operates each weekday during semester and services Bentley and surrounding suburbs including Waterford, South Perth and Victoria Park.
Report an injury or hazard
If you are injured or see a hazard on campus, report it via the online CHARM system found in OASIS’s Campus Life and Guild tab.
Report a criminal act or safety concern
If you have any concerns about the safety and wellbeing of any member of our community, yourself or others, you can get help by advising our Safer Community Team.
SafeZone security app
Our SafeZone security app allows you to be directly connected to campus security in an emergency.
Download the app to keep safe while on campus.
Respect. Now. Always.
At Curtin, we’re committed to providing a safe learning environment, and have zero tolerance for sexual assault and harassment. If you need assistance please remember you are not alone. We offer a range of services and support to students and staff.