Examinations and results

Students in lecture hall

Scheduling your exams

Most assessments and exams will be centrally scheduled however depending on your circumstances, you may need to:

Arrange alternative times, locations or conditions, or

Apply for an assessment extension (deferred exam).

Someone holding a student ID

Preparing for and attending your exams

Find what you need to take with you to your exams, the format of your exams and the expected behaviour as written in the rules and regulations.

There may be consequences for misconduct during exams.

Person standing and smiling at camera

Your results, grades and progression

Find out how and when you can access your results and what your grades mean.

Understand your academic status and how this aligns to your progress through your course.

Progression, Assessment & Awards

For enquiries about scheduling, examinations or the publication of final results contact Curtin Connect.

Key Examination Dates

Key dates are published for centrally scheduled examinations periods.