Understanding your eInvoice
Your eInvoice is tailored to suit you as either an international, Commonwealth supported or domestic fee paying student.
If you need help understanding your eInvoice, you will find more information below.
Field | Description |
Tax Invoice/Statement of Account | Your Statement of Account, which shows your current outstanding fees for the study period/s you are enrolled in. |
Student Details | Your name and address details. If any of your details are incorrect, you may update them in eStudent or by contacting Curtin Connect. |
eInvoice Reference No | A unique reference number that is generated each time you request an eInvoice. This number will change with each new eInvoice. |
Status: Not Deferrable | Confirms that your fees must be paid upfront by the due date and cannot be deferred using a HELP loan. HELP loans are only available to eligible domestic students (e.g. Australian citizens). |
Study Period | The study period you are currently enrolled in (e.g. Semester 1). |
Census Date | The deadline to withdraw from your unit/s without financial and academic penalty. |
Due Date | The date your fees are due to be paid in full. If the due date indicates immediately, this means the due date has passed and you must pay in full immediately to avoid late payment penalties and/or cancellation of your enrolment. Any payments received after the due date may incur a late payment fee. |
Cost of Unit | The amount you have been charged for each of your enrolled units in the study period. |
Payment | Any payments that have already been received, and the amount allocated to each unit. |
Amount Due | The amount you must pay for each unit. |
Total Cost of Units | The total amount you have been charged for all of your enrolled units in the study period. |
Total Payment Units | The total of any payments already received. |
Tuition Amount Due | The total amount you must pay by the due date (your total charges minus any payments already received). |
Notes | Indicates important information regarding your invoice and payment. |
How to Pay | Your payment options, including a link to Curtin’s secure online payment portal, Curtin ePay. |
Field | Description |
Tax Invoice/Statement of Account | Your Statement of Account, which shows your current outstanding fees for the study period/s you are enrolled in. |
Student Details | Your name and address details. If any of your details are incorrect, you may update them in eStudent or by contacting Curtin Connect. |
eInvoice Reference No | A unique reference number that is generated each time you request an eInvoice. This number will change with each new eInvoice. |
Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) | Fee information for SSAF will be included when you have outstanding SSAF for the study period/s you are enrolled in. |
Status | Deferrable: Confirms that you have successfully applied for an SA-HELP loan by submitting an eCAF with your tax file number (TFN). You won’t need to take further action as your SSAF will be deferred to the ATO after the census date.
Not Deferrable: Confirms that your fees will not be deferred using an SA-HELP loan and must be paid upfront by the due date. If you are an eligible student, you may be able to defer your fees by submitting an eCAF with your tax file number (TFN) by the due date. |
Charge | The amount you have been charged for SSAF in the study period. |
Payment | Any payments that have already been received, and the amount allocated to SSAF. |
Amount Due | The amount you must pay for your SSAF. |
SSAF Charge | The total amount you have been charged for SSAF in the study period. |
Total Payment SSAF | The total of any payments already received and allocated to SSAF. |
SSAF Amount Due | The total amount you must pay by the due date for your SSAF (your total charges minus any payments already received). Note: you may also have tuition due, please see below. |
Student Contribution/Tuition | Tuition fee information will be included when you have outstanding tuition fees for the study period/s you are enrolled in. |
Status | Deferrable: Confirms that you have successfully applied for a HECS/FEE-HELP loan by submitting an eCAF with your tax file number (TFN). You won’t need to take further action as your tuition will be deferred to the ATO after the census date.
Not Deferrable: Confirms that your fees will not be deferred using a HECS/FEE-HELP loan and must be paid upfront by the due date. If you are an eligible student, you may be able to defer your fees by submitting an eCAF with your tax file number (TFN) by the due date. |
Study Period | The study period you are currently enrolled in (e.g. Semester 1). |
Census Date | The deadline to withdraw from your unit/s without financial and academic penalty. |
Due Date | The date your fees are due to be paid, if you are paying upfront. If the due date indicates immediately, this means the due date has passed and you must pay in full immediately to avoid late payment penalties and/or cancellation of your enrolment. |
Cost of Unit | The tuition amount you have been charged for each of your enrolled units in the study period. |
Payment | Any payments that have already been received, and the amount allocated to each unit. |
Amount Due | The tuition amount you must pay for each unit. |
Total Cost of Units | The total tuition amount you have been charged for all of your enrolled units in the study period. |
Total Payment Units | The total of any payments already received and allocated to tuition. |
Tuition Amount Due | The total amount you must pay by the due date for your tuition (your total charges minus any payments already received). Note: you may also have SSAF due, please see above. |
Total Cost of units and/or charges on this eInvoice | The total amount due for both tuition and SSAF. All fees with Not Deferrable status must be paid upfront by the due date. |
Notes | Indicates important information regarding your invoice and payment. |
How to Pay | Your payment options, including a link to Curtin’s secure online payment portal, Curtin ePay. |
Field | Description |
Tax Invoice/Statement of Account | Your Statement of Account, which shows your current outstanding fees for the study period/s you are enrolled in. |
Student Details | Your name and address details. If any of your details are incorrect, you may update them in eStudent or by contacting Curtin Connect. |
eInvoice Reference No | A unique reference number that is generated each time you request an eInvoice. This number will change with each new eInvoice. |
Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) | Fee information for SSAF will be included when you have outstanding SSAF for the study period/s you are enrolled in. |
Status | Deferrable: Confirms that you have successfully applied for an SA-HELP loan by submitting an eCAF with your tax file number (TFN). You won’t need to take further action as your SSAF will be deferred to the ATO after the census date.
Not Deferrable: Confirms that your fees will not be deferred using an SA-HELP loan and must be paid upfront by the due date. If you are an eligible student, you may be able to defer your fees by submitting an eCAF with your tax file number (TFN) by the due date. |
Charge | The amount you have been charged for SSAF in the study period. |
Payment | Any payments that have already been received, and the amount allocated to SSAF. |
Amount Due | The amount you must pay for your SSAF. |
SSAF Charge | The total amount you have been charged for SSAF in the study period. |
Total Payment SSAF | The total of any payments already received and allocated to SSAF. |
SSAF Amount Due | The total amount you must pay by the due date for your SSAF (your total charges minus any payments already received). Note: you may also have tuition due, please see below. |
Student Contribution/Tuition | Tuition fee information will be included when you have outstanding tuition fees for the study period/s you are enrolled in. |
Status | Deferrable: Confirms that you have successfully applied for a HECS/FEE-HELP loan by submitting an eCAF with your tax file number (TFN). You won’t need to take further action as your tuition will be deferred to the ATO after the census date.
Not Deferrable: Confirms that your fees will not be deferred using a HECS/FEE-HELP loan and must be paid upfront by the due date. If you are an eligible student, you may be able to defer your fees by submitting an eCAF with your tax file number (TFN) by the due date. |
Study Period | The study period you are currently enrolled in (e.g. Semester 1). |
Census Date | The deadline to withdraw from your unit/s without financial and academic penalty. |
Due Date | The date your fees are due to be paid, if you are paying upfront. If the due date indicates immediately, this means the due date has passed and you must pay in full immediately to avoid late payment penalties and/or cancellation of your enrolment. |
Cost of Unit | The tuition amount you have been charged for each of your enrolled units in the study period. |
Payment | Any payments that have already been received, and the amount allocated to each unit. |
Amount Due | The tuition amount you must pay for each unit. |
Total Cost of Units | The total tuition amount you have been charged for all of your enrolled units in the study period. |
Total Payment Units | The total of any payments already received and allocated to tuition. |
Tuition Amount Due | The total amount you must pay by the due date for your tuition (your total charges minus any payments already received). Note: you may also have SSAF due, please see above. |
Total Cost of units and/or charges on this eInvoice | The total amount due for both tuition and SSAF. All fees with Not Deferrable status must be paid upfront by the due date. |
Notes | Indicates important information regarding your invoice and payment. |
How to Pay | Your payment options, including a link to Curtin’s secure online payment portal, Curtin ePay. |