Research ethics and safety

If your research involves humans, animals, the collection or use of confidential information, potentially dangerous equipment or substances, or research with other ethical implications, you must follow Curtin’s ethical and safety requirements as well as the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research on the National Health and Medical Research Council website.
Before applying for ethics approval
Before you apply for ethics approval, complete the Research Initiation Guide (RIG) to identify any risks and hazards associated with your research. After you’ve completed the RIG, you’ll receive an automated email about any approvals you need from Curtin or government regulatory bodies before you can begin work, as well as advice about the appropriate controls for your risk assessment.
Health and safety risk assessment
You must complete a risk assessment for all research, including research that doesn’t involve hazardous materials. This ensures that you identify the hazards associated with your research and that appropriate controls are put in place.
If your research is classed as fieldwork education please complete the on/off campus fieldwork documentation.
For assistance with completing the forms, email