Exporting controlled goods and technologies

Controlled goods and technologies are listed on the Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL). This list includes the controlled goods and technologies that require a permit to export under the Defence Trade Controls Act. This list is available through the Defence Export Controls Office and includes:
Part 2: Dual Use
Commercial items and technologies that may be used or adapted for use in a military program, for the development or production of a military system or weapons of mass destruction, or contribute to the development and production of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.
Australian legislation controls the export of controlled goods and technologies under two Acts:
- Customs Act 1901 (Cth) controls tangible goods.
- Defence Trade Control Act 2012 (DTCA) controls intangible goods.
Training and support
To determine if you need a permit, or if you need further information on the DTCA, please contact: