
2 students smiling at each other while walking on a path

Graduate Research Hub

The Humanities Graduate Research Hub is a fully equipped facility designed to foster a supportive and collaborative research environment for our higher degree by research (HDR) students.

The Hub consists of two working areas (rooms 118/119 and 136), a printing area, two meeting rooms and a common room. It’s equipped with fast wi-fi connectivity, multifunction copying and printing services and storage lockers.

The Hub is located on Level 1 of Building 209 on the Perth campus and is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is managed by the Faculty of Humanities.

Faculty librarian

To get help finding and accessing research articles and referencing material, contact the Faculty of Humanities librarian.

Contact the Hub

If you have any queries about the Hub, email

Contact details

In case any issues arise please contact responsible areas directly.

ProblemArea responsibleContact details
PrintersDTSext 9000
Laptops DTS ext 9000
Paper for printers209.215
Docking stations DTS ext 9000
Maintenance problems, such as: short circuiting of electricity, flickering lights, air conditioning, plumbing issues, etc.Curtin Propertiesext 2020
After hours maintenanceSafer Communities Teamext 4444
Problems with insects/pests, microwaves, fridges,

For enquiries about Milestone applications, enrolment, study leave, funding, computing issues, sessional teaching and mobility opportunities, contact the Director of Graduate Research for your school.