During candidature

During your enrolment you need to demonstrate your progress and meet a number of milestones. You may also need to take leave, change details about your course, or withdraw.

Managing your HDR enrolment

Taking leave

Changes to study mode and withdrawal

Where to go for help

If you require advice about appeal procedures please contact the Current Students Team within the Graduate Research School (ROC.GRS@curtin.edu.au).

Student Wellbeing Advisory Service

Curtin’s Student Wellbeing Advisory Service provides specific support for students on conditional status. You can speak to a Student Wellbeing Advisor by either visiting Curtin Connect in Building 102 on Perth Campus, calling 1800 244 043, or emailing studentwellbeing@curtin.edu.au.

Curtin Student Guild

For independent advice about appeal procedures, you may wish to contact the Curtin Student Guild‘s Student Assist. Student Assist is a support and advocacy service provided by the Guild. You can visit the Guild at Building 106F on Perth Campus, call Student Assist on 08 9266 2900 or email student.assist@guild.curtin.edu.au.

Counselling services

Another option for students at the Perth Campus is to seek advice from the University’s Counselling Services. You can call 08 9266 7850 or 1800 651 879 to make an appointment. They are located on Level 2 of Building 109. You can also email counselling@curtin.edu.au for information, but please note no actual counselling is provided via email.