Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is a research communication competition developed by The University of Queensland (UQ) that celebrates the exciting research conducted by research students. PhD students have three minutes to present a compelling oration on their thesis and its significance. 3MT challenges students to consolidate their ideas and research discoveries so they can be presented concisely to a non-specialist audience. Participation can help foster your academic, presentation, and research communication skills.
3MT competition 2024
The 3MT competition at Curtin will allow both live in-person presentations and pre-recorded presentations. All presentations will compete in heats. The top 10 presentations from the heats, as determined by the judging panel, will advance to the Curtin final. The heats and final will be held as live events at the Perth campus with an audience and a judging panel.
Students residing in Perth are encouraged to compete in person at the heats and the final. All other competitors who cannot compete in-person can submit a pre-recorded video presentation.
Contact if you have any questions.