Visualise Your Thesis competition

VYT gives HDR students the opportunity to showcase their research and build essential information and digital literacy skills to effectively communicate complex research to a general audience. This program is suitable for all disciplines and for students at any stage of their candidature.

As a participant you will present your research in a one-minute video. Using a pre-supplied PPT template, your challenge is to translate your research into a 60 second, striking audio-visual/digital narrative. You can submit the video as either a .pptx file or MP4 file.

Participation submissions are judged on their visual impact, and how well the content presents the research. The digital format allows for different levels of creativity, multi-media, interactivity and interpretation. Visit the Figshare site to view past entries.

The Visualise your Thesis (VYT) program is an initiative of The University of Melbourne.

Getting started