Collaborative/joint HDR

Read on for information for students enrolled in collaborative or joint higher degree by research (HDR) courses.
Milestones for Students in Collaborative or Joint PhD Programs
Curtin’s Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students are asked to complete three defined Milestones as part of their course. The Milestones are designed to support the progress of HDR students in their course.
Research Support Funding and Conference Support for Students in Collaborative or Joint Programs
It is important for students and supervisors to note that any funding made available by Curtin University to support HDR research and conference costs is discretionary.
Curtin University provides discretionary funding to Curtin Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students to support their research. This discretionary funding is administered according to the arrangements set out in the Guidelines for Essential Facilities and Research Support available on the Forms and Information Sheets page.
The allocation, administration arrangements and permitted uses may change from time to time. Students enrolled in joint awards or collaborative programs may be able to access consumables and conference travel support.
Conversion between Higher Degree by Research programs for students in collaborative or joint programs.
It is not normally possible for students in collaborative or joint programs to change courses. If you would like to discuss your particular case please contact the Graduate Research School.