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Software Downloads

Looking for software download instructions? See our Software for students page.


Blackboard is Curtin’s online learning management system. It includes lecture notes, online assessments, discussion forums and more. It’s available through the My Studies and eVALUate tab in OASIS.


iLecture (sometimes referred to as Echo360) provides recordings of lectures which you can watch on your desktop, laptop or mobile device. It’s accessible within Blackboard.


Endnote helps you create bibliographies and add them to Microsoft Word documents in standard referencing formats.

Intelligent Remote Invigilation System (IRIS)

IRIS deters and detects academic dishonesty in online tests and exams.

Respondus Monitor with Lockdown Browser

Curtin is transitioning to Respondus Monitor with Lockdown Browser for remote supervision of online tests and exams.


OASIS is your online student portal and provides access to all your administrative and study needs including enrolment details, your timetable, unit outlines, student email and Blackboard.


eStudent provides an online view of your information in the Curtin student database.

Student email

Your student email is your email account ending with It’s hosted by Office 365 by Microsoft.


When you submit your assignments through Turnitin in Blackboard, it compares your text against a database of other sources, and shows any matches.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) is a collaboration platform within the Microsoft 365 suite designed to facilitate communication and teamwork.

Applicant Portal

You can apply for Curtin courses online through the Applicant Portal.

Plan Your Timetable

Plan Your Timetable allows you to view class timetabling options for individual units and plan a potential timetable for different combinations of units.


elsie is an iPhone/Android app for Curtin students that offers a mobile portal into your Curtin life.