Cross-institutional enrolment

Outbound enrolment is where a student remains enrolled in their principal course at Curtin and undertake units from another Australian university.

Inbound enrolment is where a student remains enrolled in their principle course in another Australian University undertakes units at Curtin.

Both universities agree to the enrolment and the student obtains credit for the units in their principal course.

If you study a unit at another university without prior agreement then your credit is not guaranteed and you will need to submit a credit for recognised learning application.

Applying for cross-institutional enrolment

Inbound: To apply for cross-institutional enrolment, please visit the Curtin application portal. Once logged in, click on “My applications”, then on “+ add a new application.” In the field for “select a course” either enter the course code XU-XINSTU (undergraduate) or XP-XINSTP (postgraduate). This will update your course list and you can enrol in your preferred course.

Outbound: Students who have satisfactorily completed their first year of study can apply by completing a Cross-Institutional Enrolment – Outbound application form [.pdf 770 kB]

You may need to consider the cut-off dates published on the academic calendar.

Further information

For more information contact Curtin Connect.

Curtin OUA

Seek advice from your school or course coordinator to ensure your chosen unit matches your course needs.

You can then enrol through OUA.