A group of students smiling

Welcome to O-Week

There’s more to O-Week than just attending your academic and Faculty sessions, with free entertainment and activities happening on-campus.

Why attend O-Week?

O-Week (Monday 17 February to Friday 21 February) is an important part of your university journey and you don’t want to miss it! You’ll attend a range of information sessions, workshops and events throughout the week to transition into university.

Join in on fun activities

There are plenty of fun activities to take part in, from arts and crafts, yoga, friend speed-dating and more!

Make new friends

Meet new students just like you! Join in on the friend speed-dating for the perfect opportunity to make new friends.

Enjoy free giveaways

Enjoy free giveaways every day during O-Week, including sweet treats to keep you going.

Four students doing arts and crafts activities Three students talking outside on campus Two students with fairy floss
A male and female student smiling and holding Lego figurines
Two students looking at a mobile phone

Navigate your way with the campus map

Get to know your way around Curtin Perth with the help of the campus map. Discover where your classes are, the nearest cafe and the best shortcuts!

Connect with us

Get connected and share your experience with #curtinoweek. Make sure you’re following @CurtinLifeAustralia on Instagram to discover student stories, tips & tricks, competitions, fun student life reels and more!