Academic integrity

Academic integrity at its core is about honesty and responsibility and is fundamental to Curtin’s expectations of you. This means that all of your work at Curtin should be your own and it should be underpinned by integrity, which means to act ethically, honestly and with fairness.
As a Curtin student you are part of an academic community and you are asked to uphold the University’s Code of Conduct, principles of academic integrity, and Curtin’s five core values of integrity, respect, courage, excellence and impact during your studies.
You are also expected to uphold the Student Charter and recognise that cheating, plagiarism, collusion, and falsification of data and other forms of academic dishonesty are not acceptable.
Academic integrity warnings
Academic misconduct
Types of academic misconduct
How do I avoid academic breaches?
Academic integrity comics
Plan ahead to avoid losing it

Plagiarism: one thing leads to another

The doctor is in

Buying time and paying for the crime

IRIS is there to make it fair

Contract cheating: Buy now and pay later

Evade the leech to avoid the breach

Copyright fright

Self-plagiarism: don’t choose to refuse

Share sites aren’t alright

Referencing is key in research higher degrees

Reduce reusing and recycling in research

Collusion: get a clue

Don’t breach copyright by using share sites

Sexual harassment demands immediate action always