Travel SmartRider concession

If you are a full-time Curtin student, you are entitled to a Tertiary SmartRider card. For SmartRider concession purposes, full-time enrolment is a minimum of 75 credits in a half-year period.

The card gives you concessional fares on Transperth (or TransGoldfields) buses, trains and ferries.  You cannot get student fares by showing your Student ID card, however it is recommended that you carry your Student ID card with your Tertiary SmartRider when traveling.

Follow the steps below to get your tertiary travel concession.

Lost or stolen SmartRider card

If you lose your SmartRider, contact Transperth to cancel your card. 

Then you can follow the steps above to purchase a new card and register for your concession. 

If your card is lost on campus and received through lost property, your card will be returned to Transperth or the teaching institution, if paired as secondary student card.