You can find detailed instructions on how to create your USI on the Australian Government’s USI website.
New-to-course domestic students accessing commonwealth assistance for their studies will be prompted to submit their USI during the completion of their eCAF. All other students, including existing students who have not provided their USI to Curtin, will need to follow the steps below.
International students studying onshore will only be able to create their USI after they have arrived in Australia and cleared customs.
Once created, you can then submit your USI to Curtin by following the steps below:
1. Login to OASIS
2. Click on the eStudent tile
3. Click on the My Details tab on the left-hand side
4. Click on Submit USI/Personal Details
5. Enter your USI details and click Submit
If you’re a Curtin student studying through Open Universities Australia (OUA), you must submit your USI to OUA instead.