Available to all students

While you’re studying for your Curtin degree, there are plenty of ways for you to get more involved with your course and your passions, all while developing your professional and personal expertise.
You may be eligible to receive Curtin Extra recognition for your involvement and participation in these approved programs.
The Curtin Leaders Program focuses on the core leadership competencies of self-leadership, commitment and self-management, collaboration and high-performance teamwork, and strategy and purpose. This is an opportunity to develop your unique leadership skills, and then apply them to a social impact project or initiative you are passionate about, with the intent to make positive social change.
Stream: Leadership
For more information: visit Curtin Leaders Program or email leadership@curtin.edu.au
Curtin Volunteers! (CV!) is a student-driven volunteering program offering a range of opportunities that enhance the student experience and benefit the wider community. Working predominantly with not-for profit organisations, volunteers are able to put leadership skills into practice in real life settings whilst
contributing towards valuable community projects.
Stream: Social Impact; Leadership
For more information: visit CV! or email cv@curtin.edu.au
Dandjoo Kaadadjiny (Learning Together) is a series of online Challenge modules that provide an introduction to Australia’s First Peoples’ culture and heritage. It is specifically designed for Curtin students and staff based in Western Australia and aligns with Curtin’s commitment to First Nations people and celebration of Nyungar culture.
For more information: email paulene.tavani@curtin.edu.au
*Please note this program is currently on hold due to ongoing travel restrictions.
Go Global Exchange is available to students studying overseas at a host institution on exchange. Students participate in volunteering and leadership opportunities to gain practical experiences in global contexts working with diverse communities. Activities include participating in conservation, community engagement and leadership projects, organised through the host institution.
Stream: Global Citizenship
For more information: visit Study Abroad and Exchange or email goglobal@curtin.edu.au
Ignite Mentoring is a student-run, not-for-profit organisation that aims to deliver dynamic and engaging soft-skill mentoring programs to high schools in low-socioeconomic backgrounds. Curtin students can participate as mentors, coordinators or as part of the leadership team. Mentors work with a group of high school students and help to deliver one of the Ignite’s programs in areas such as resilience, careers and English as a Second Language.
Stream: Social Impact
For more information: visit Ignite Mentoring or email info@ignitementoring.org
The John Curtin Gallery Volunteer program offers students the opportunity to undertake a range of Gallery and Collection related roles working alongside the professional staff at the John Curtin Gallery and the Curtin University Art Collection. The program provides students with a range of experiences which willbprepare them for future roles in their related careers. Students are able to put the skills learned in their studies into practice in a real world setting.
Stream: Professional Development
For more information: email gallery@curtin.edu.au
As a participant in the Leadership in Sport program, you will be involved in the leadership of groups and teams in the sporting club environment as well as sports officials and recreation programs. You will be involved in projects that can include instilling change in a community group, managing conflict and working on small to medium size projects in teams.
Participants will assist community clubs in the delivery of small to medium size projects including events, business plans, sponsorship proposals, or other special initiatives. You will take a leading role in these projects in order to showcase the skills and knowledge you have developed through the theoretical component of the program.
Stream: Leadership
For more information: visit Leadership in Sport or email stadiumsports@curtin.edu.au
Curtin’s Multi Faith Office supports students of all faith backgrounds and provides a neutral confidential space to explore your spiritual needs. It is very important that Curtin is a safe space for you to explore and practice your religious faith. Students may choose to work alongside one faith tradition of their choice and will be involved with the management of interfaith events and services or provide general support for multi-faith events such as orientation, interfaith dialogues and community outreach programs.
Stream: Social Impact
For more information: visit Faith and Religion or email multifaith@curtin.edu.au
New to Curtin Mentoring participants are senior students who provide guidance, advice and support to new undergraduate Curtin students to assist in their successful transition to studying at university. The program assists in enabling student success, improves the student experience and provides a professional
development experience to the participants.
Stream: Social Impact
For more information: visit New to Curtin Mentoring or email mentoring@curtin.edu.au
Rhythmos Choir is an acapella choir made up of performing members, who are selected via an audition process. Performing members must commit to high levels of rehearsals and performances every semester. Participants also includes committee members who undertake office bearing roles and responsibilities.
You can also participate as part of Curtin Singers – an acapella choir made up of singers within the Curtin community. Participants attend weekly rehearsals and learn singing techniques and skills in harmonising as a group. Students participate by singing in the traditional four voice parts (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass) across a wide range of songs including traditional music, musicals, pop and art music.
Stream: Professional Development
For more information: email rhythmoschoir@gmail.com
The Skills for Success workshop series is designed to help you explore your leadership potential, develop your self-awareness and learn to work with others to create lasting change! The workshops are designed to help you understand the influence of positive social impact and transformative leadership. They cover a variety of fundamental leadership topics, including leadership 101, goal setting, teamwork, and forming habits for success, as well as innovative concepts such as building networks, driving change and leveraging diversity.
Stream: Leadership
For more information: visit Skills for Success or email leadership@curtin.edu.au
The Curtin University Student Ambassador program provides personal and professional development opportunities to current Curtin students who are interested in sharing their student experiences with prospective students. This program provides current students, passionate about Curtin, the opportunity to represent and promote the university by providing peer-to-peer advice to future students.
Stream: Professional Development
For more information: visit Student Ambassadors or email studentambassadors@curtin.edu.au
The Student Discipline Panel is a vital mechanism for ensuring that academic misconduct is properly and thoroughly investigated, accurately determined and appropriately and fairly penalised. This service has a positive social impact on the Curtin academic community as it supports our commitment to academic integrity and contributes to our goal of ensuring that students graduate with the values, attributes and capabilities expected of a Curtin graduate. Working collaboratively, the panel consider moral and ethical principles, within the specific context of each case, to arrive at a fair outcome.
Stream: Social Impact
For more information: email sdao@curtin.edu.au
Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organisation that teaches public speaking and leadership skills worldwide. Since 1924, the organisation has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators, and leaders. Western Australian District serves over 80 clubs in communities, professional associations, corporates, and schools. In this program, students will actively participate as a member of the Digital Marketing Team of Toastmasters WA District. You will help to develop, pitch and implement a Digital Marketing campaign.
Stream: Professional Development
For more information: email mina.cho@curtin.edu.au
This program supports students with disability and chronic health conditions to secure unpaid work experience whilst they are studying at Curtin, assisting students to gain key employability skills and degree relevant knowledge that will enhance their resume.
Stream: Professional Development
For more information: email recruitcurtin@curtin.edu.au