Go Global internships

Are you getting a little tired of your regular units? Looking for ways to get more out of your degree?

Curtin Go Global is offering you the opportunity to undertake an online internship with a global company during the upcoming summer break or Semester 1, 2022!  You will have the chance to put your degree into action and work on real world projects to gain credit towards your course. There are a wide variety of internships available so get in quick as it’s first come, first served!

Tell your friends and classmates, and join us for a once in a degree opportunity!

Internship resources

Make sure you are ready to work either at home or on campus with our guide for workstation set-up [.pdf 369kB].

Join the free Global Society community for free resources!

Access Global Society resources

New Colombo Plan

Click the link below to read about some of our students’ experiences while on a online New Colombo Plan supported internship!

Why take up a Global Online Program?

Find out how a Global Online Program like our New Colombo Plan supported internships can change your life.

Contact us

Email goglobal@curtin.edu.au

Phone: 1300 222 888 (ask Concierge for Go Global)

Visit us at one of our drop-in sessions.