Students as Partners initiatives

At Curtin, there are numerous Students as Partners initiatives to get involved in, with new opportunities to collaborate with staff emerging all the time.

As a student, you can get involved through short-term or ongoing co-curricular programs, faculty-based projects, university wide projects or Guild involvement. 

Based on your preferred level of engagement, you can partner as:

Training and resources

Our new Students as Partners education and training platform for staff and students will be rolled out in 2025. To be kept informed on this exciting new opportunity, send us an email.

In the meantime, you can engage with the Students as Partners online modules.

Join the SaP community

We are always seeking new students to get involved in SaP.

Join the mailing list to be kept informed of new opportunities.

You can also ask to join the SaP Community by emailing

Get in touch

For any queries regarding Students as Partners at Curtin, please email Libby Kinna, Coordinator Students as Partners.