Students as Partners Framework

The Curtin Students as Partners Framework formalises the collaborative relationship between students and staff. It provides a starting point for students and staff seeking to undertake a students as partners initiative. To learn more, download the framework below.

Access the Framework [.pdf 983kB]

Approaches to staff-student partnerships

Different partnering structures are necessary based upon the nature of the initiative. One size does not fit all in the partnering relationship.

Within each partnership structure, there are different levels of engagement and layers of partnering between staff and students. The structure is dynamic as the needs of the initiative could change over time.

At Curtin, we developed the following partnership spectrum, which is based upon the QUT Continuum of Partnership model:

We identified the following levels of student engagement – students as sounding boards, students as influencers, students as mentors, students as co-creators and students as decision-makers.

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Get in touch

For any queries regarding Students as Partners at Curtin, please email Libby Kinna, Coordinator Students as Partners.

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