Vice Chancellor's List

The Vice-Chancellor’s List (VC List) recognises Curtin undergraduate students, including Honours students, who excel academically.

To be eligible for the Vice-Chancellor’s List, a student will be enrolled in an undergraduate course and will attain a Study Period Weighted Average (SPWA) of 85.00 or higher in the relevant study period relating to an enrolment of at least 75 credits. The SPWA will be in the top one percent of students in an undergraduate course in a specified period (for example, study period or calendar period).

A student who is studying part time and enrolled in less than 75 credits in a study period may still be eligible for the Vice-Chancellor’s List provided they achieve consecutive SPWAs of 85.00 or more covering at least 75 credits. A study period during which a student is enrolled in less than 75 credits may not be used in isolation to determine eligibility for the Vice-Chancellor’s List.

The sole criterion for membership of the Vice-Chancellor’s List is academic performance. Students in a course comprise all enrolled students irrespective of location or enrolment category (for example, full-time or part-time, domestic or international, onshore or offshore, internal or external). A student may be nominated for membership of the Vice-Chancellor’s List on multiple occasions and in consecutive study periods.

An official certificate confirming membership of the Vice-Chancellor’s List will be issued to the student on each occasion the student is admitted to the List. The certificate will bear the name of the student, the number of times the student has been admitted to the List and the study periods in which the student achieved the results that resulted in admission to the Vice-Chancellor’s List

The Progression, Assessment and Awards Office will issue the certificate twice a year, usually in October and March after the graduation ceremonies .

VC’s List privileges

Members of the VC List will receive a letter of congratulations from the Vice-Chancellor and their academic record will be annotated in recognition of this significant achievement.

If you attain membership of the VC List, you will be invited to attend a networking event. If this is your first time on the VC List you will receive a VC List lapel badge. Your certificate will have already been mailed to you.

At your graduation ceremony you will be distinguished by a special cord that is added to your academic regalia as you cross the stage.

VC List members will also have access to study facilities in the Postgraduates and VC’s Study Room.

VC’s List Networking Event

To acknowledge the students who have achieved membership to the VC List each year, members will have the opportunity to meet and network with each other at a VC’s List Networking Event.

Recipients of the current year will be sent an invitation to attend the event. The invitation will contain details of the event, including venue, date, time and number of guests you may bring.

Frequently asked questions

VC List badge

VC List badge

The VC List lapel badge was designed in 1991 by Mrs Bronwyn Goss, a tutor in the School of Visual Arts. The design is based on the pine cone which symbolises the Curtin campus and its continuity from the Western Australian Institute of Technology. It symbolises the environment of Curtin and in particular, the peace and reflectiveness that should imbue our learning. It also symbolises the regeneration and renewal of life that the acquisition of true learning always brings.