Health Sciences Indigenous engagement

Health sciences Indigenous engagement team photo

The Indigenous Engagement team provides a culturally secure learning environment for Indigenous students in the Faculty of Health Sciences.

We support students to grow and develop skills and knowledge, determine their own learning needs, and graduate with a strong sense of cultural and professional identity.

The Faculty would like to pay our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of our community by acknowledging the Wadjuk people of the land on which Bentley Campus is located, and the Wongutha people of the North-Eastern Goldfields, where our Kalgoorlie Campus is located. 

The Indigenous Engagement team can support you with:

Contact our Indigenous Engagement team

Our office is located in building 400, level 2.

Cheryl Davis

Director of Indigenous Engagement (Health Sciences)

Phone: (08) 9266 4282

Kristy Indich

Indigenous Engagement Officer (Health Sciences)

Phone: (08) 9266 2321

Colin Phillips

Indigenous Engagement Officer (Health Sciences)

Phone: (08) 9266 1009