Chronic illness

For some individuals experiencing chronic illness is a significant part of life and their illness is frequently accompanied by pain.
Here you will find key information about chronic illness, Curtin’s support services and where to find additional chronic illness support and resources.
What is chronic illness?
Chronic illnesses are long-term conditions characterized by complex causes, multiple risks, prolonged periods between exposure to the illness and feeling its effects, and impairment or disability.
Chronic illnesses look different for every person with them. However, one commonality is that their experience of them means having to adjust life to the demands of the illness and the therapy used to treat it. Some examples of chronic illnesses include dementia, arthritis, asthma, cancer, COPD, Crohn disease, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, epilepsy, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, mood disorders, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson disease.
Support at Curtin
Use the support network at Curtin University to learn how to effectively recognise and manage symptoms of chronic illness. Professional confidentiality is taken seriously at Curtin’s Psychological and Counselling Services and AccessAbility Services, so any information discussed will remain private unless you or others are in danger or if legally obligated to disclose.